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Because this class focuses on research as well as general history, in leiu of a final exam, a final research paper will be due. Students will receive an in-class rubric on what is needed for this paper, but here are some possible topics in case you need help getting started. Feel free to talk to me after class or during my free period about your topic.

POSSIBLE TOPICS: use these as a starting point

  • ​Early North American Colonies

  • The American Revolution

  • Early American Politics and Economic Systems

  • Pre- Civil War Abolitionism

  • The American Civil War (BE SPECIFIC)

  • Reconstruction

  • The Age of Political Conservatism

  • Early American Feminist Movements 

  • The First World War

  • The Great Depression 

  • The Second World War

  • The Cold War

  • The Civil Rights Movement(s)








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